Grades 6-8

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The ability to provide services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or questioning (LGBTQ+) youth begins with an understanding of the nature of gender and sexual orientation, correct terminology, basic knowledge of the “typical” experiences of the population, and an awareness of the increased risk factors experienced by these youth. In this workshop, participants will have an opportunity to explore this important content and identify strategies for providing welcoming and affirming services appropriate for LGBTQ+ youth.

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During this session, participants will learn about neuro-biological findings from adolescent brain research as they apply to cognitive and behavioral changes, such as risk taking, relationship building and social development. The facilitators will describe findings in emerging fields informed by neuroscience, such as the effects of sleep, technology and stress on the developing brain.

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Educators and others who work with youth often feel anxious about addressing sensitive issues—such as topics associated with strong personal values—in the classroom, whether they are part of a curriculum or surface in a general class discussion. Sexuality, alcohol and other drugs, politics, race, and bullying are just a few examples of issues that, if not handled sensitively, could result in alienated students or angry parents contacting the school or agency.

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This session is intended for those who work with adult learners who wish to create a powerful learning environment that results in clients taking action. With adult learners, it’s often clear what to present, but how to present it may be more challenging. Participants explore the latest in professional development research, learning theory, and brain research as it relates to adult learners to understand how the human brain acquires, retains, and applies information.

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In this training, participants will become familiar with the Foundations model to implement high-quality sex education. Foundations aims to ensure that sex educators have the skills to effectively facilitate student learning, create safe and inclusive environments, and provide opportunities for skill-building and values exploration.

This training has an option of additional 1-2 days addressing cultural proficiency, LBGTQ inclusion, common learning strategies, and/or trauma-informed care.

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In this training, participants will gain a general understanding of reproductive health as it relates to teen pregnancy prevention. Topics include reproductive anatomy and physiology, adolescent growth and development, HIV/STIs, and contraceptives.

This training is designed for: 

  • Educators new to teaching sex education
  • Anyone who wants a refresher on the basics
  • Health care professionals

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In this training, participants will improve their skills in talking with adolescents about delicate topics and answering sensitive questions. By becoming an Askable Adult, participants will gain essential tools to support teens in making healthy decisions about relationships, love, and sex.

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Participants will gain knowledge of how intimate partner violence impacts the mental, sexual and reproductive health of young people who witness and/or experience it. Participants will brainstorm strategies to intervene and learn about local, state, and national resources.

This training is designed for:

  • Educators
  • Teachers
  • Substitute Teachers
  • Counselors
  • Coaches 
  • Parents
  • Clergy
  • Community Workers
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Healthcare Staff
  • Clinicians 

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Participants will gain knowledge and develop skills required to recognize signs that a child might be a victim of abuse or neglect. Participants will learn two ways to use mandated reporting as an intervention.

This training is designed for:

  • Educators
  • Teachers
  • Substitute Teachers
  • Counselors
  • Coaches
  • Parents
  • Clergy
  • Community Workers
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Healthcare Staff
  • Clinicians 

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Participants will gain knowledge and develop skills required to recognize signs that a child may be a victim of cyberbullying and/or abusing someone through cyberbullying. Participants will practice using empowerment as an intervention to cyberbullying.

This training is designed for: 

  • Educators
  • Teachers
  • Substitute Teachers
  • Counselors
  • Coaches
  • Parents
  • Clergy
  • Community Workers
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Healthcare Staff
  • Clinicians 
