farrisj@umn.edu - training - 249
Analyze the most recent Minnesota youth sexual health data and trends, compare MN to its regional and national peers, and translate this information into serving youth better.
Analyze the most recent Minnesota youth sexual health data and trends, compare MN to its regional and national peers, and translate this information into serving youth better.
Examine your personal values about abstinence, identify the positive and negative abstinence messages youth hear, and practice turning negative sexual health messages into positive ones.
The It's That Easy! curriculum provides participants with tools, techniques, and interactive activities to use with parents. Training content includes
• The role of parents as sexuality educators• Individual and cultural values, morals, and beliefs• The power of relationships: parent-child attachment and connectedness• Child and adolescent growth and development• Navigating media and popular culture
Develop fun and engaging presentations on the fundamentals of anatomy and puberty. We help you make it inclusive, culturally-relevant, and responsive to where your young people are now.
Increase your knowledge of the latest sexual and reproductive health practices and research. Participants will learn more about data and trends in adolescent sexual health, explore self-disclosure and professional boundaries, and practice answering tough questions.
Young people need adults who are approachable, non-judgmental, and open to questions. This training prepares participants to become "askable" by reviewing data and trends in adolescent sexual health, basics of puberty and adolescent development, boundaries and self-disclosures, and how to answer challenging questions. Participants will also consider how to create the safest learning environment possible for all young people.
Participants review pregnancy, birth, and STI statistics; trends in adolescent pregnancy and sexual behaviors; basics of adolescent growth and development; risk and protective factors associated with adolescent pregnancy; and prevention strategies that work.
Participants learn best practices for answering sensitive questions, gain the confidence necessary to handle questions that arise, and in so doing, increase their ability to create a safe, open, and effective learning environment for youth.
Foundations aims to ensure that educators are equipped with the skills needed to effectively facilitate student learning, create safe and inclusive classroom environments and provide opportunities for meaningful skill-building and values exploration, regardless of the specific curriculum they teach. Training topics include:
Creating a Safe and Inclusive Classroom EnvironmentEffectively Facilitate Student LearningValues Exploration, Self-Disclosure & Answering Sensitive Questions
Additional half day trainings that can be added to the above trainings:
Our experienced trainers help youth-serving adults build their capacity to support adolescents’ healthy youth development and sexual health. We offer evidence-based, fun, interactive adolescent health education and professional development on a range of topics: whether you choose an in-person, full-day course or build your own virtual training event from our flexible menu, we can help make “best practice” your team or agency’s regular practice.