Effective teaching strategies

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Cardea, in collaboration with Answer, has developed FoundationsCore Skills Training for Sex Ed. This national training model includes a one-day core skills curriculum, with four supplemental, half-day modules on essential concepts to support sexual health education implementation.

The one-day training address a range of core facilitation skills including:

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As our society embraces all technology has to offer, we find ourselves in a position to guide young people through a landscape we’re navigating with them. From online safety and social media to texting and sexting, this training will unpack best practices, shift fear-based messaging, and guide educators in a growing field.

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This engaging class will help participants increase their knowledge on the basics of HIV and other STDs. Participants will learn about the history of these diseases and infections, testing, treatment and prevention. The most up-to-date research will be shared with participants, along with tools to for effective and non-shaming education.

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This interactive two-day training is full of engaging activities and discussions about teaching sex education. This training will help lay the building blocks for new educators and is a great refresher for those already in the field. Participants will gain heightened comfort levels of sexual health topics including: 

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What student behaviors do you find most challenging? What techniques can you use to respond to these behaviors? Explore essential classroom management techniques for the sex education classroom. Take a peek at a few different kinds of sex education classrooms, as well as number of challenging behaviors and some techniques to address them.

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All people deserve access to medically accurate and developmentally appropriate information related to their sexuality and sexual health. Yet often, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are not included in sex education.

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My Life My Choice (MLMC) and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM) have merged their respective expertise in commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and sexuality education to create an evidence, trauma, and survivor-informed training designed to help a wide range of youth service providers use intentional and inclusive language to begin conversations with young people about sex and sexuality that reflects the realities of their lives. Application link here.
