gcapp - training - 257

Reproductive Resources for Students

Youth-friendly reproductive resources are important to ensure young people will seek the help and information they need. We will discuss the components of youth-friendly resources, as well as highlight websites, social media pages, phone numbers, local clinics, and apps, including GCAPP’s TMI-Georgia. TMI-Georgia was created by young people for young people to have access in meeting their sexual and reproductive health needs.

Contraception, pregnancy, and reproduction
Healthy relationships
HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases/infections
Transgender and gender expansive identities
Age Group(s): 
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-10
Grades 11-12
In person
Please contact alexandra@gcapp.org for details
Indicator 7 (K-12): Identify three credible, medically accurate, youth-friendly resources that can provide information or support related to transgender and gender expansive people.
Indicator 6 (6-12): Identify three federal and/or state laws that impact young peoples’ access to effective reproductive and sexual health care (e.g. age of consent for services, confidential access to health care services, and access to condoms)
Indicator 7 (6-12): Identify three medically accurate and youth-friendly resources for STD/STI and HIV prevention, testing, and treatment