gcapp - training - 269

Connections Matter

Connections Matter is a training designed to engage community members in building caring connections to:

  • Improve resiliency,
  • Prevent childhood trauma, and
  • Understand how our interactions with others can support those who have experienced trauma.
Creating an inclusive and affirming learning environment
Effective teaching strategies
Age Group(s): 
Grades K-2
Grades 3-5
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-10
Grades 11-12
In person
4 hours
Please contact alexandra@gcapp.org for details
Indicator 1 (K-12): Demonstrate three techniques to create an inclusive and affirming learning environment. (S)
Indicator 3 (K-12): Describe three elements of a trauma-informed approach to sex education.
Indicator 4 (K-12): Demonstrate three strategies of a trauma-informed approach to sex education (e.g. giving trigger warnings before content on sexual assault and allowing students the right to pass as appropriate, etc.). (S)
Indicator 1 (K-12): Demonstrate the ability to build rapport with students. (S)
Indicator 6 (K-12): Describe three strategies for actively involving parents, caregivers, and other trusted adults in a sex education program.