Conscious and unconscious bias about race, ethnicity, and culture disclosure
Consent and interpersonal and sexual violence
Contraception, pregnancy, and reproduction
Creating an inclusive and affirming learning environment
Effective teaching strategies
Healthy relationships
HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases/infections
LGBQ+ identities
Puberty and adolescent development
Racial and reproductive justice
Responding to challenging questions
Transgender and gender expansive identities
Sex education in schools
Sexual and reproductive anatomy and physiology
Indicator 1 (K-12): Describe the importance of teachers’ maintaining professional boundaries when teaching sex education.
Indicator 2 (K-12): List three factors to consider regarding personal disclosure when teaching sex education
Indicator 3 (K-12): Demonstrate how to reduce the impact of educators’ passive and/or active personal disclosure on the educational environment. (S)
Indicator 4 (K-12): Explain the roles and responsibilities of a mandated reporter.
Indicator 5 (K-12): Explain the state- and district-mandated reporting requirements and procedures.
Indicator 1 (K-12): Define racism (including individual, interpersonal, institutional, ideological, structural, and systemic), racial micro-aggressions, and reproductive justice.
Indicator 2 (K-12): Name three sexual health inequities and some of their systemic causes (e.g., African American women living with HIV have expressed mistrust toward healthcare professionals, in part, as a result of systemic racism).
Indicator 3 (K-12): Describe three ways power, privilege, prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes related to age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socio-economic status, immigration status, and/or physical or intellectual ability can impact sexual health and reproductive justice.
Indicator 4 (K-12): Describe three effective response strategies when a student or school community member has been hurt or wronged by bias.
Indicator 5 (K-12): Describe three strategies educators can use to acknowledge and proactively work to mitigate the impact of bias on their students’ sexual health and multiple, intersecting identities.
Indicator 1 (K-12): Demonstrate three techniques to create an inclusive and affirming learning environment. (S)
Indicator 2 (K-12): Demonstrate three strategies for creating culturally responsive classrooms. (S)
Indicator 3 (K-12): Describe three elements of a trauma-informed approach to sex education.
Indicator 4 (K-12): Demonstrate three strategies of a trauma-informed approach to sex education (e.g. giving trigger warnings before content on sexual assault and allowing students the right to pass as appropriate, etc.). (S)