Grades 11-12

answer - training - 46

LGBTQ Issues in Schools: Celebrating and Supporting Diversity is designed for middle and high school health professionals to increase their knowledge of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) issues and provides information on how to make the school environment more inclusive for all students.


answer - training - 45

STD Basics: Helping Students Stay Sexually Healthy will help increase your general knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and your ability to develop compelling ways to pass this information to young people through valuable lesson plans, resources and guidance from our online instructor.


answer - training - 44

Sexuality ABCs: Abstinence, Birth Control and Condoms will leave you with a deeper understanding of contraceptive methods and knowledge on how to develop and teach lessons that are designed to help reduce rates of unintended teen pregnancy while learning about the latest trends in teen contraceptive use.

Format/platform: Online Learning Management System (Canvas e-learning), hosted by Rutgers University

siecus - Technical Assistance - 04/17/2020 - 2:21pm

SIECUS’ policy team brings to bear 55 years of research-based expertise on comprehensive sex education to ensure that public policies reflect best practices and current research in support of our nation’s young people. Our agenda is simple: SIECUS advances comprehensive sexuality education as a means of building a foundation for a long-term culture shift that will positively impact all levels of society, particularly issues of gender equity, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, consent, personal safety, and autonomy.
