Grades 3-5

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The media plays a huge role in how we think about sex and sexuality. Using TV clips, movie scenes, ads and songs, we will explore how the media portrays sexual violence.  We will also discuss how we can use the media to have constructive conversations regarding sexual violence in our daily lives.  

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Join us for an interactive training to learn the basics of sexual health. Through activities and discussions, participants will learn the basics of the male- and female-bodied reproductive systems, STIs, and various birth control methods. - training - 247

The It's That Easy! curriculum provides participants with tools, techniques, and interactive activities to use with parents. Training content includes 

• The role of parents as sexuality educators• Individual and cultural values, morals, and beliefs• The power of relationships: parent-child attachment and connectedness• Child and adolescent growth and development• Navigating media and popular culture - training - 244

Young people need adults who are approachable, non-judgmental, and open to questions. This training prepares participants to become "askable" by reviewing data and trends in adolescent sexual health, basics of puberty and adolescent development, boundaries and self-disclosures, and how to answer challenging questions. Participants will also consider how to create the safest learning environment possible for all young people.
