Grades 3-5

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Virtual Professional Development is a simulated classroom where teachers can practice teaching student avatars using short scenarios and support from an instructional coach, so they can quickly learn and master the skills they most need to be effective. With upper elementary, middle and high school classrooms, Virtual PD has scenarios for teachers of all grade levels across a wide range of topics aligned with the Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education (PLSSE). You can watch the video here to learn more about Virtual PD.

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Virtual Professional Development is a simulated classroom where teachers can practice teaching student avatars using short scenarios and support from an instructional coach, so they can quickly learn and master the skills they most need to be effective. With upper elementary, middle and high school classrooms, Virtual PD has scenarios for teachers of all grade levels across a wide range of topics aligned with the Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education (PLSSE). You can watch the video here to learn more about Virtual PD.

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Virtual Professional Development is a simulated classroom where teachers can practice teaching student avatars using short scenarios and support from an instructional coach, so they can quickly learn and master the skills they most need to be effective. With upper elementary, middle and high school classrooms, Virtual PD has scenarios for teachers of all grade levels across a wide range of topics aligned with the Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education (PLSSE). You can watch the video here to learn more about Virtual PD.

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In this training, participants will become familiar with the Foundations model to implement high-quality sex education. Foundations aims to ensure that sex educators have the skills to effectively facilitate student learning, create safe and inclusive environments, and provide opportunities for skill-building and values exploration.

This training has an option of additional 1-2 days addressing cultural proficiency, LBGTQ inclusion, common learning strategies, and/or trauma-informed care.

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In this training, participants will gain a general understanding of reproductive health as it relates to teen pregnancy prevention. Topics include reproductive anatomy and physiology, adolescent growth and development, HIV/STIs, and contraceptives.

This training is designed for: 

  • Educators new to teaching sex education
  • Anyone who wants a refresher on the basics
  • Health care professionals

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In this training, participants will improve their skills in talking with adolescents about delicate topics and answering sensitive questions. By becoming an Askable Adult, participants will gain essential tools to support teens in making healthy decisions about relationships, love, and sex.

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Cardea provides multi-day Training of the Trainer (TOT) workshops to support participants in the delivery of foundations training and curricula training designs. Training of Trainers (TOT) workshops build the capacity and skills needed to replicate our successful training designs.

Additional TOT training can be customized to support staff in effective facilitation skills, classroom management, parent engagement, and district-level technical assistance strategies. 

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Cardea offers training on a range of content and skills to support effective sexual health education implementation. Training options include existing training modules or customized training to support the needs of your faculty or staff.

Topics can include:

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Cardea, in collaboration with Answer, has developed FoundationsCore Skills Training for Sex Ed. This national training model includes a one-day core skills curriculum, with four supplemental, half-day modules on essential concepts to support sexual health education implementation.

The one-day training address a range of core facilitation skills including:

cardea - Technical Assistance - 04/17/2020 - 2:22pm

Cardea provides a range of TA services to support school districts in the adoption and implementation of sound sexual health education policies and procedures. Through direct services, training, and capacity building, Cardea assists districts in adopting best practices, building the capacity of their faculty and staff, and engaging their parents and community. TA begins with the dissemination of policy, research, practices, and resources through peer-learning communities/communities of practice.
