Sex Ed For All Month


About SE4A Month

2025 Sex Ed for All Month Resources Coming Soon! 
  May Is #SexEdForAll Month!  

Join us as we celebrate May as Sex Ed for All Month and voice our commitment to a world where all young people—no matter who they are or where they live—get the sex education they deserve. 

Sex education gives young people age-appropriate, medically accurate, and culturally relevant information and answers to their questions about sex and relationships without shame or judgment. It has been proven to positively impact young people’s lives. But too many young people don’t have access to sex education, or the programs in their school are shaming and/or inaccurate. We want to stand with young people so they can get the information and skills they need to make healthy decisions about sex and relationships, now and in the future.

Sex Ed for All Month provides the opportunity to push back on efforts by organized, well-funded extremist groups to dismantle our democratic institutions, including our nation’s public schools. Schools are ground zero for the culture wars, and conservative groups are intentionally lying to confuse and frighten parents/caregivers, intimidate educators and administrators, and limit young people’s access to information. 

Sex Ed For All Month is spearheaded by Sex Education Collaborative, in coordination with a national coalition of sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations committed to ensuring sex education for all young people. Spread the word that anyone can advocate for sex education in their community!  

Join us in working toward Sex Ed for All—

Spread the word.

- Throughout the month of May, use the #SexEdForAll Month Toolkit (with ready-to-go graphics, social media posts, and talking points).
- Add the #SexEdforAll hashtag when sharing on social media. 

Engage your community.

- Ask young people what they want to say and do to promote Sex Ed for All. Then support and empower them in their efforts.

- Engage with parents and caregivers to encourage them to know the rules and standards at their kids’ school and advocate for sex education taught by unbiased experts.

Advocate for sex education.

- Call on your elected officials to invest in sex education that meets the full needs of young people at the local, state, and federal levels. (Want support? Check out these talking points!)

- Discover your Sex Ed Advocacy Style! Get the resources and tools you need to take action. 


There is no Sex Ed for All Month without you! Together, by advocating in our communities, we can ensure Sex Ed for All.

Make sure you’re on the list to get the latest news about Sex Ed for All Month.


Tool Kit

Talking Points

Take Action
Parent Checklist


Why SE4A Month?

Why Sex Ed for All Month? (and why May is no longer Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month)

We believe that no matter who you are or where you live, you deserve sex education that is reflective of your experiences and needs. Because we must stop stigmatizing young people, we no longer recognize the month of May as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. May is Sex Ed For All Month. We stand with young people, so they have the power and the right to access the education and information they need to achieve the best positive outcomes for themselves.

Watch this session from the October 2021 Healthy Teen Network conference featuring SEC members Advocates for Youth, Health Teen Network, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America.