HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases/infections

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SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change has provided trainings to thousands of individuals and nonprofit organizations across the country.  SIECUS’ policy team is uniquely positioned to offer trainings for all types of policy activity and engagement at all levels of government–federal, state, and local. Our trainings our developed to enhance participant understanding of influencing public policy, learn what it takes to engage in effective advocacy, and strategically mobilize to advance sex education laws and policy.

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New to teaching sexual and reproductive health education? Need a refresher? This highly interactive training prepares participants to teach sexual and reproductive health topics to youth. Participants discover new ways to engage youth in learning about anatomy, physiology, contraception and sexually transmitted infections. They also explore how values influence teaching of sensitive topics and practice answering common student questions.

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In this training, participants will gain a general understanding of reproductive health as it relates to teen pregnancy prevention. Topics include reproductive anatomy and physiology, adolescent growth and development, HIV/STIs, and contraceptives.

This training is designed for: 

  • Educators new to teaching sex education
  • Anyone who wants a refresher on the basics
  • Health care professionals

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Cardea offers training on a range of content and skills to support effective sexual health education implementation. Training options include existing training modules or customized training to support the needs of your faculty or staff.

Topics can include:

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This engaging class will help participants increase their knowledge on the basics of HIV and other STDs. Participants will learn about the history of these diseases and infections, testing, treatment and prevention. The most up-to-date research will be shared with participants, along with tools to for effective and non-shaming education.

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Designed for educators and clinicians, this eLearning gives participants the information and skills they need to address the increasing rates of STIs, whether working in the classroom or clinic. In this training, you will practice communicating with people who are resistant to using dual protection by using real-life scenarios tailored to your profession. Walk away feeling ready to explain dual protection and confident communicating about the barriers young people are experiencing.

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My Life My Choice (MLMC) and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM) have merged their respective expertise in commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and sexuality education to create an evidence, trauma, and survivor-informed training designed to help a wide range of youth service providers use intentional and inclusive language to begin conversations with young people about sex and sexuality that reflects the realities of their lives. Application link here.

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Far too often, masculine expectations lead those who identify as male to engage in harmful behaviors, including high risk sexual behaviors. Educators, youth workers, and other caring adults frequently see the negative impact of these expectations and struggle to reach male identified folks who are unwilling to seek out and utilize health care services and other support networks.

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This training will walk participants through current Michigan law and policy as it relates to sex education in K-12 schools. We will review content requirements and spend time on Sex Education Advisory Boards (SEABs), the groups that set goals and objectives and review and recommend curriculum for their local school districts.
