Contraception, pregnancy, and reproduction

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In this training, participants will gain a general understanding of reproductive health as it relates to teen pregnancy prevention. Topics include reproductive anatomy and physiology, adolescent growth and development, HIV/STIs, and contraceptives.

This training is designed for: 

  • Educators new to teaching sex education
  • Anyone who wants a refresher on the basics
  • Health care professionals

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Cardea offers training on a range of content and skills to support effective sexual health education implementation. Training options include existing training modules or customized training to support the needs of your faculty or staff.

Topics can include:

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This dynamic training is a fun way to learn about puberty, reproductive anatomy, and contraception. Participants will learn how to teach and discuss these topics by engaging in fun and adoptable activities. Participants will leave this training with a better understanding of the topic and resources to be used with youth.

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Designed for educators and clinicians, this eLearning gives participants the information and skills they need to address the increasing rates of STIs, whether working in the classroom or clinic. In this training, you will practice communicating with people who are resistant to using dual protection by using real-life scenarios tailored to your profession. Walk away feeling ready to explain dual protection and confident communicating about the barriers young people are experiencing.

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My Life My Choice (MLMC) and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts (PPLM) have merged their respective expertise in commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and sexuality education to create an evidence, trauma, and survivor-informed training designed to help a wide range of youth service providers use intentional and inclusive language to begin conversations with young people about sex and sexuality that reflects the realities of their lives. Application link here.

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This training will walk participants through current Michigan law and policy as it relates to sex education in K-12 schools. We will review content requirements and spend time on Sex Education Advisory Boards (SEABs), the groups that set goals and objectives and review and recommend curriculum for their local school districts.

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Puberty - a time of great, and sometimes daunting, change for both young people and the adults in their lives. This interactive, full-day training will provide educators, school nurses, youth-serving professionals, and other caring adults with skills and strategies for teaching pubescent youth about their changing bodies, emotional growth, and navigating the path to adulthood in a way that is inclusive of students of all genders and sexual identities.

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The Sexuality Education Cornerstone Seminar (SECS) is our most popular training opportunity for foundational information about sexuality education. SECS is designed for educators, youth-serving professionals, and individuals interested in entering sexuality education and are seeking a basic foundation of knowledge in sexuality and sexual health information that they can share with their populations.
