Contraception, pregnancy, and reproduction

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Providing quality sex ed is more than just anatomy and pregnancy. But how do you focus on all the stuff that matters to help students making informed and healthy choices?

The Teacher’s Guide has 8 units (listed below) to cover the basics of what you need to know. Go through all 8, or pick and choose what works best for you. Review the units in any order, at your own pace.

Lesson 1: Puberty & the Reproductive System

This unit covers learning pointers about teaching about puberty and reproduction.

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Our Spark*ED online sex educator courses focus on the information, skills, and theory required to deliver impactful and inclusive sex education. Our philosophy towards sex education is at the heart of the Spark*ED curriculum and all course materials have been created with a social justice and racial equity lens and incorporate the latest information and research in the fields of of sexual health, gender, adolescent development, learning styles and behavioral change.

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Our Spark*ED online sex educator courses focus on the information, skills, and theory required to deliver impactful and inclusive sex education. Our philosophy towards sex education is at the heart of the Spark*ED curriculum and all course materials have been created with a social justice and racial equity lens and incorporate the latest information and research in the fields of of sexual health, gender, adolescent development, learning styles, and behavioral change.

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Our Spark*ED online sex educator courses focus on the information, skills, and theory required to deliver impactful and inclusive sex education. Our philosophy towards sex education is at the heart of the Spark*ED curriculum and all course materials have been created with a social justice and racial equity lens and incorporate the latest information and research in the fields of of sexual health, gender, adolescent development, learning styles, and behavioral change.

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Our Spark*ED online sex educator courses focus on the information, skills, and theory required to deliver impactful and inclusive sex education. Our philosophy towards sex education is at the heart of the Spark*ED curriculum and all course materials have been created with a social justice and racial equity lens and incorporate the latest information and research in the fields of of sexual health, gender, adolescent development, learning styles, and behavioral change.

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Pregnant and Parenting Teens: The Basics and Beyond will help increase middle and high school health professionals' knowledge on everything from prenatal care to the stages of birth. This comprehensive workshop includes information on teen moms and dads, and their options around abortion, adoption and parenting as a teen.


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Sexuality ABCs: Abstinence, Birth Control and Condoms will leave you with a deeper understanding of contraceptive methods and knowledge on how to develop and teach lessons that are designed to help reduce rates of unintended teen pregnancy while learning about the latest trends in teen contraceptive use.

Format/platform: Online Learning Management System (Canvas e-learning), hosted by Rutgers University
