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Support your adolescent healthcare practice with TALK: Toolkit for Adolescent Care’s resources and training. TALK provides skills, scripts, and examples that can be put to immediate use, and can adapt to your team’s needs. Training is customizable and can range from a one-hour “Lunch and Learns” to a multi-week series of one-hour interactive sessions. format. A multi-session format builds participants’ Motivational Interviewing skills – and opportunities to apply them – using supportive one-page TALK tools. 

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Participants will be able to describe the rights of minors in Georgia as related to confidentiality, informed consent, contraceptive care and counseling, abortion, STI testing, HIV/AIDS testing, substance abuse, and emergency care. We will provide youth-friendly resources for accessing reproductive health needs.  

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Youth-friendly reproductive resources are important to ensure young people will seek the help and information they need. We will discuss the components of youth-friendly resources, as well as highlight websites, social media pages, phone numbers, local clinics, and apps, including GCAPP’s TMI-Georgia. TMI-Georgia was created by young people for young people to have access in meeting their sexual and reproductive health needs.

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Join us for an interactive training to learn the basics of sexual health. Through activities and discussions, participants will learn the basics of the male- and female-bodied reproductive systems, STIs, and various birth control methods.  
